
The Mail Room
Letters from Volume 12

elcome to the Mail Room for Present Truth Magazine! This is where we post some of the interesting letters which we receive from our viewers. All of our viewers are invited to E-mail us your comments and views and we will post these views for all to consider!  

Appreciation for Dialogue

I find myself in fairly constant disagreement with some of the positions which are taken in articles in your magazine. But I am grateful for it. Although I am not a Protestant theologian but an Anglican who is not altogether "reformed," so much of the writing in Present Truth Magazine does indicate a familiarity with the facts of history which is seldom seen anywhere else. Your most recent issue is a case in point, and I am grateful to you and your writers for a willingness to deal honestly with the great issues which Calvin and Luther confronted.

I shall hope that your contribution to the current scene in theological dialogue will continue and that your sharpness in definition of issues and positions will also continue. I do not expect to be convinced, but I am grateful for the conversation with your writers through your pages.

T. D.
Episcopalian Minister
South Carolina

Holiness Movement and Campus Crusade

First, I appreciate the basic intent of the publication and find myself in agreement with the basic truth that God's Word teaches salvation by faith in Christ. Thank you for this emphasis.

However, I have to take exception with much of the material which "lumps" the charismatic movement, neo-glossalalia (or tongues speaking) and the Pentecostal movement with the Wesleyan holiness movement. On page 26 of your special issue, "Justification by Faith and the Charismatic Movement," it is stated: "This issue of tongues caused a split between the holiness and Pentecostal movements; yet the basic emphasis of the two movements remains the same." This was not true then and is not true now.

I would suggest further research by you or your writers and/or contributors into Wesley's theology, the theology of James Arminius and those who hold to this Scriptural teaching that the hearts of believers can be made "perfect in love." One of the best capsule definitions of "full salvation," or the doctrine of entire sanctification, which the Nazarenes, along with others of like precious faith, experience, teach, preach and try to conserve, is found in Dr. Richard S. Taylor's book, Preaching Holiness Today (published by and available from the Nazarene Publishing House, Box 527, Kansas City, Missouri 64141), which states: "God saves men from sin to holiness through faith in Jesus Christ by the inward action of the Holy Spirit in two works of grace and in subsequent supervision and discipline."

God bless you. Brush up on your Wesleyan theology and the basic emphasis of the holiness movement as represented by the Church of the Nazarene and others.

J. J. H.
Nazarene Pastor
West Virginia

I have read the issue of Present Truth Magazine entitled "Justification by Faith and the Holiness Movement" and would like to comment. I wrote you previously expressing concern that you did not understand the holiness movement. This issue certainly confirms this in my mind.

Are you also going to review Campus Crusade? Have you seen their two personal counseling books? Do you know that we agree about 99% with them in theology? Why not make the next issue one that attacks them, as few would associate them with us and thus do not realize the great error they are spreading?

R. H.
Free Methodist Minister

Don't Rock the Boat

I, as pastor of the First Baptist Church here, am not interested in the least in receiving your propaganda against the Holy Spirit and His work in our world today.

I wonder if you have ever given any attention at all to Jesus' warning against sinning by blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Would you please remove us from your subscription list, and I pray that the divisions which you are causing in the body of our Lord Jesus might soon be brought to an end.

W. H. T.
Baptist Pastor
New York

We want to do a series of studies from the excellent articles published in the issue, "Justification by Faith and the Charismatic Movement." This subject has been and remains a relevant and problematic issue within our denomination and local church.

Thank you for the clear warning, reasonably written, that you have provided. Serious and lasting damage has resulted from this radical form of religious experience. I believe God has gifted you editors and sponsors with a timely message. Please continue to publish the truth.

H. W. H.
Mennonite Minister

I was thrilled at the clarity of expression and the overwhelming impact of the simple truth as presented in the special issue of Present Truth Magazine entitled "Justification by Faith and the Charismatic Movement."

In an age when apostasy is more a matter of degree than "whether or no," it is exciting to read a publication that, throughout, rings in clear tones of Scriptural truth, undimmed by traditional or denominational shrouds.

S. R.

Your articles have helped in a great way to set some things and people straight on the gospel of the grace of God.

These past two months have been the happiest two months of my ministry here. Let no man tell you that sola gratia, solo Christo, sola fide and things like that are dull and dry!

G. C. B.
Presbyterian Minister
South Carolina

Thank you for the tremendously helpful information in the issue on "Justification by Faith and the Charismatic Movement." This was very well presented and much needed. I agree with your editorial conclusion that this movement is erasing the difference between Reformation churches and the Roman church.

If possible, I would like to have twelve copies of this issue for distribution to church leaders.

R. G. Y.
Baptist Minister

I was given a copy yesterday and, starting at 8:00 p.m. last night, I read until 1:30 this morning; and when I got up, I read some more until I finished it.

What a blessing! God has met some needs of my heart through reading Present Truth Magazine.

J. G.

Reformed Comment

I don't know who gave you our names; but whoever it was, I thank him for it and you for sending us your new magazine.

My background is Protestant Reformed.

A concept which has recently been projected upon my serious consideration is that the death of Christ purged and cleansed all the sins of all men. The Protestant Reformed denomination teaches that Christ only died for the elect. The book, The Death of Christ, by N. F. Douty, was very helpful on this subject.

M. C.

Lutherans Take Note!

Your paper is exciting . . . far more than Christianity Today. I want to receive a copy of each issue.

This is an urgent plea that you make. The plainness of speech and references to the Scriptures are very much needed. This is the first urgent plea that I have heard outside of the Churches of Christ to restore New Testament Christianity. It needs to become a movement once again instead of a plea.

This could become a movement as surely as the neo-Pentecostalism has become a movement.

While attending Augustana Seminary in Rock Island, Illinois, several years ago, I mentioned to the Lutherans several times that I had a greater respect for Martin Luther than they did. I am surprised but happy that any Lutheran would speak out as you have spoken in the recent issue of Present Truth Magazine.

I will be looking forward to the next issue.

S. L. R.
Church of Christ Minister

*The Lutherans may have more friends outside official Lutheranism than they realize. The editor is not Lutheran either. — Ed.


I have examined at least two of your magazines during the past few months. I want this address removed from your mailing list.

You are just playing word games. You are not helpful at all but only confusing. You quote reliable historical documents with a flair for obscuring truth, not revealing it. Your questionnaires are a real joke.

I shall look forward to not receiving this publication again. Rest assured it will not fall into the hands of others in the parish so long as I am able to sidetrack it.

D. W. W.
Methodist Minister

*At least Present Truth Magazine is getting a decided response one way or the other.—Ed.

Revival Paper

After reading your special "Justification by Faith and the Charismatic Movement" issue especially the part about John Wesley, I'll have to recant some of my "teasings." Because the Holy Spirit took of the things of Christ and showed them to me, satisfying me that Christ is sufficient, I had become critical of the way my brother was always quoting Wesley, as if Wesley should be adhered to rather than Christ. So I teasingly sang to him:

Be like Wesley, this my song,
In the home and in the throng;
Be like Wesley all day long!
I would be like Wesley.

Well, after reading what you had to say about Wesley, I almost felt like singing the chorus.

I enjoyed receiving your paper. It seemed to me to be a "revival" paper in the age of revivalism. I read recently in E. Stanley Jones' obituary that he had opposed revivalism, and I wondered why. I think your paper points out what is true revival in contrast to revivalism. And since I am always needing revival, your paper helped me today. Thank you.

W. L.
Methodist Minister

Pentecostal Is Convinced

I have been wrestling with a knotty problem in determining my own course for the past two years. Your publication has done a great deal in helping me finalize what was an inevitable decision. On Friday, February 2, I met with the officials of the Assemblies of God and withdrew my fellowship.

Pentecostal Minister

New Insight

I must say that your issue on "Justification by Faith and the Charismatic Movement" opened the door to some precious insights. Many of your observations are so new to me that I will have to spend a great deal of time rethinking Romans.

C. W. G.
Baptist Minister
North Carolina


We have had access to a number of your articles, and because we have a "tongue speaking" minister (Christian Reformed), we are interested in spreading your excellent material among our church friends.

W. V.
Christian Reformed Layman

Lutherans Pro and Con

Voila! Two sample copies of the magazine arrived in my mail last week. I wondered, at first, what was coming next, but my fears were soon allayed. What a pleasure to read the magazines cover to cover and find a clear presentation of Biblical and Reformation theology! This is the kind of magazine for which I have been waiting.

There is little doubt but that we have all been caught up in the great ecumenical age and have subjected our people to the indefiniteness of the resulting theology. The sweep of the charismatic movement has left so many in doubt about the Christian gospel and its real meaning. Thanks for clarifying the truth in your magazine. I have received a new inspiration for my preaching and ministering to my congregation.

It is my hope that you will continue to challenge the non-Scriptural trends of our day without repristinating (definition: to restore to an original state or condition) mistakes of the past.  Let it be a present-day affirmation of the right division of law and gospel, and the great truth of justification by faith. May the Lord bless your efforts!

L. R. L.
Lutheran Minister
Saskatchewan, Canada

I am a Lutheran pastor, and I don't see your point. It sounds as if Lutheran doctrine and the charismatic movement are at swords' points, but this is not the case. The people who have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in my church have become more balanced and better Lutherans. Maybe it has something to do with the way it is presented.

H. J. H.
Lutheran Minister

Please take us off your mailing list at once. I have enough negative ax-grinding around here without your help. You proclaim objectivity and are about as biased and subjective as any publication I have read. Please be open and look at the love around you in your Christian brethren.

I. S.
Lutheran Pastor, Maryland

How I came to write to you I cannot remember, as I am constantly writing various sources for certain material. It was not with much enthusiasm that I requested your magazine; but upon receiving it and reading the "Justification by Faith" issue, I literally without letup read the four samples you sent me. My joy was unbounded and my faith greatly strengthened by your articles. I thank the Lord of heaven and earth that some men have discovered the heart of Christianity and intend to bring it to the attention of others.

In studying the pros and cons of dispensational premillennialism, I find this to be another subject which either ignores, obscures or contradicts the central truth of justification by faith. No doubt you will get to this topic as time goes on.

O. S.
Lutheran Minister

Your material is like a fresh breeze dispelling the smog!

R. A. R.
Lutheran Minister


Mail Room index

Volume 12 index
