The Meaning of the Adventist Movement

Today the Seventh-day Adventist movement is being inundated by false teachers within its midst proclaiming every wind of false doctrine. The heresy of Graham Maxwell's " Moral Influence " view of the atonement is one of the most prevalent of these false doctrines being advocated by many teachers, pastors, and administrators. Another group of false teachers is advocating the " final generation theology " which claims that the final generation of believers living at the time of Christ's second coming will be absolutely as sinless as Adam before the Fall. A third large group is the liberal segment that is mostly found in the academia of the Adventist universities which is advocating billions of years of theistic evolution, feminism, homosexuality as a genetic inheritance, and doctrinal pluralism. A fourth group within Adventism is represented mostly by the distorted teachings of a retired Adventist minister, Jack Sequeira. The formal term for this doctrinal distortion is "Universal Legal Justification".

The "Pre-Advent" also called the  "Investigative" Judgment ---- A True Biblical Teaching

The Arminian and the Seventh-day Adventist understanding of the atonement is that the repentant believer must "continue" in the faith and continue in repentance for sin unto the end of ones life or until the coming of Christ on the Last Day. The Holy Spirit calls and enables whosoever of the world's sinners to believe in the "unlimited" atonement of our Lord on the cross of Calvary and repent of sin and unbelief, but the wooing and call of the Holy Spirit is not "irresistible". God preveniently enables sinners to repent and believe, but He also allows sinners to refuse to repent and believe the gospel. Thus those who claim to be followers of Christ but who refuse to continue to repent of their sins and transgressions of God's Law and refuse to follow the Lord in obedience to His commandments including the fourth commandment will finally reject the pleading of the Holy Spirit and will have their names blotted out of the Lamb's book of life and be fully aligned with the Enemy and false Antichrist.

While the blood of Christ covers the sins of the repentant believing sinner, His atoning blood and imputed righteousness do not cover those who continue in willful high-handed sin against Christ and His holy Law. Most of the world's people at the present time unknowingly don't observe the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, but as the Lord fills the world's "every nation, kindred, tongue, and people" with the final warning to the world to trust in Christ's blood and keep His commandments, the Lord will hold all the inhabitants of the world responsible for the light that will fill the entire world in the final testing time. 

Adventists believe that as in the days of Noah, the world will become so filled with sin and violence and disobedience that the governments of the world will all agree that strict laws will have to be enacted to bring its people back from the edge of anarchy and total chaos. The various popular religious groups within Protestantism and Catholicism will clamor for a world-wide Sunday law to encourage the world to seek God and turn away from lawlessness. Those who refuse to adhere to this appeal will be labeled as enemies of world brotherhood and enemies of God and ultimately deemed as worthy of death.

This will be the final testing of the world either for the true Christ of the bible or for the false christ of the great Deceiver and Prince of this world. Just as in Noah's day there was a gracious warning to enter the ark for salvation from the flood, this final test extends to every nation, kindred, and tongue of the people of the world. This pre-advent judgment or "investigative judgment" of the world will draw to its conclusion and God's true remnant people will receive the Holy Spirit's final "seal" of God's approval. Those who are deceived by the one who was a "liar from the beginning" will receive the Holy Spirit's final verdict of rejection and be eternally judged as worthy of condemnation and eternal death and receive the "mark of the beast". 

The Seventh-day Adventist movement is not a "cult". It is the Lord's final warning to all the world to repent and trust in the blood of Christ shed on Calvary as the meritorious legal basis of God's acceptance of lost sinners!! The Seventh-day Adventist movement in its truest "evangelical" expression as God intends this movement to be is a "restoration" movement rather than an "innovation" movement. Just look at the true essence of Adventism: However, the Seventh-day Adventist movement in its truest evangelical expression as God intends this movement to be is a "restoration" movement rather than an "innovation" movement. Just look at the true essence of Adventism:

1.) Adventism affirms and proclaims the everlasting gospel of the vicarious atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.

John 3:14-18 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the promised "Seed of the Woman" who has fulfilled all the righteous demands of God's Law for us so that in Him all repentant sinners who put their faith in His blood are accounted sinless and righteous in His merciful reckoning even unto the coming of the Lord. The justification of repentant believers is by God's unmerited grace alone through faith alone in the sinless life and atoning death of Christ alone as revealed in the Bible alone. The repentant believer in Christ will always confess that he needs the covering of Christ's imputed righteousness even unto the Last Day when Christ comes again. Hyper-Calvinism, Pelagianism, and Semi-Pelagianism are rejected as a distortion of the gospel taught in the bible. Prevenient grace is affirmed by Seventh-day Adventism.

2.) Adventism affirms and proclaims the apostolic teaching that the "hour of God's judgment" has come. All the world is being called out of the kingdom of Satan, called spiritual Babylon, and being invited to receive the seal of God's justification and acceptance through faith in the atoning blood of Christ. Those repentant believers who receive the "seal of God" are filled with the Holy Spirit and will acknowledge the Law of God, the Ten Commandments including the Sabbath commandment, as their moral guide in sanctified holy living. The message of the "Three Angels of Revelation 14" is the same message that the apostolic church proclaimed. Adventism has been raised up in the providence of God to restore this apostolic "judgment hour" message that our Lord Jesus Christ as our High Priest has entered the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary as the one Mediator between God and Man to plead His blood for all repentant sinners who put their faith in Him. The saving message of Adventism is the apostolic call to repentance towards God and faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. The gift of God is the forgiveness of sin and eternal life by God's unmerited grace alone for all who believe and continue to believe unto the end of life or the coming of the Lord on the Last Day.

3.) Adventism affirms and proclaims the " Third Use of the Law " as a moral guide for the Christian believer which is so important in this lawless diabolical age in which we live.

4.) Adventism affirms and proclaims the " Second Use of the Law " as a "schoolmaster" to continually convict us of our sinful nature and our need to be continually led to Christ to continually be justified by faith in His sinless life and atoning death on Calvary.

5.) Adventism affirms and proclaims the glorious truth of the resurrection of the dead at the Second Coming of Christ as the blessed hope of the believer rather than the Grecian view of an "immortal soul" which lives on after death.

6.) Adventism affirms and proclaims the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and His unique incarnation as fully God and fully man. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are revealed to us in God's word as the three eternal persons of the triune God of the bible. The Lord Jesus Christ is the One through whom God created and redeemed the world.

7.) Adventism affirms and proclaims the harmony yet distinction of the Law and the Gospel and as such is a necessary bulwark against the prevailing error of antinomian Dispensationalism which is sweeping the evangelical Christian world today and foolishly focusing on the Zionist events in the middle east, a rebuilding of the Levitical temple, and a "secrete rapture" of the church.

8.) Adventism affirms and proclaims the seventh day Sabbath commandment of the Decalogue as a memorial to Christ's having created the universe approximately six thousand years ago in six literal days. The Sabbath is God's emphatic "No!!" to the abomination of Darwinian evolutionism.

9.) Adventism affirms and proclaims the Biblical truth of the literal fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as the origin of sin and suffering and death. This truth is denied by all forms of Darwinism including so-called "theistic" evolution and "progressive creationism".

10.) Adventism affirms and proclaims the existence of a real fallen angel named Lucifer who became Satan along with one third of the angelic host.

11.) Adventism affirms and proclaims a literal world-wide flood which destroyed the lawless unbelieving antediluvian world and the saving of Noah and his family by God's unmerited grace.

12.) Adventism affirms and proclaims the message of repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus this message is a warning and a witness that God is about to destroy all the unbelieving world and that all who refuse to repent, believe the gospel of Christ, and allow Christ to begin write His Law upon their hearts through the indwelling Holy Spirit will be lost eternally.

13.) Adventism affirms and proclaims that God will totally and eternally annihilate sin, Satan, and all unrepentant sinners at the end of the millennium at the final judgment rather than punish sinners in an eternally burning fire in unending pain and suffering throughout eternity.

14.) Adventism as a true child of the Reformation affirms and proclaims that the papacy is the second beast of Revelation 13 and that the truth of the gospel is an ongoing rebuke to the abominable errors of Roman Catholicism — the intercession of the saints and Mary, transubstantiation, purgatory, priestly absolution, infant baptism, eternal suffering of the lost in hell fire, Sunday sacredness, the immortality of the soul, and most importantly justification by the infused righteousness of the Holy Spirit rather than by the imputed righteousness of Christ's sinless life and atoning death on the cross.

15.) Adventism affirms and proclaims the non-immortality of the soul and thus is a rebuke to modern day Spiritualism which seeks to contact and communicate with the dead.

16.) Adventism affirms and proclaims adult baptism by immersion for all repentant sinners who put their faith in the atoning death of Christ on the cross. Infant baptism by sprinkling is rejected as unbiblical.

17.) Adventism affirms and proclaims that the bread and wine of the Lord's Supper are symbolic of the body and blood of our Lord. The bread and wine are a remembrance of the Lord's atoning death on the cross and proclaim the gospel of the forgiveness of sin until He comes again.

18.) And finally Adventism affirms and proclaims that the Bible alone is the final authority in all matters of doctrine and faith.

If the gospel of justification by faith alone had been embraced whole-heartedly in 1888 and then when re-proclaimed in the 1970's, the good news about the imputed righteousness of Christ would have carried the day even unto the Last Day.

Seventh-day Adventism is not a cult. The essence of the Adventist movement is true historic Protestant Christianity.

Seventh-day Adventism, as God intends it to be, is God's final warning to all the world to repent and be justified by Christ's unmerited "grace alone" through "faith alone" in the sinless life and atoning death of "Christ alone" as revealed in the "Bible alone".

This is the true Adventism which the Lord Jesus Christ intended for the movement to be. Christ's purpose for raising up this movement was for Adventism to be the foremost voice in all the world to uplift the sinless, crucified, and risen Savior to all the world. It is time for the Seventh-day Adventist movement to finish the Protestant Reformation and become all that the Lord intended this movement to be: Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Solo Christo, Sola Fide .

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